Errata – Brockman

Errata – Journal of the Brockman Droving Expedition

Page viii, Foreword – ‘to-day’ should be ‘today’.

Page xxvi, Introduction – European’s should be Europeans’.

Page 103, first sentence – “- our two principle sports” – should be “ – our two principle [principal] sports -”.

Page 105, last paragraph, first line – “…I was anxious to see the the principle township of the great Nor West Settlement”’ should be “…I was anxious to see the principle [principal] township of the great Nor West Settlement”.




The Brockman Droving Expedition of 1874-1875 and the Clarkson Drove of 1873-1874


John Brockman.

Persons known to have accompanied the expedition:

Brockman Party.

John Brockman. Leader.

William More Drake Brockman.

Robert John Heppingstone.

Robert Leeder Clarkson.

William Jones. Teamster.

Clarkson Party.

Henry Clarkson. Leader.

William Clarkson.

Jesse Hammond.

John Evan Hammond.

John Knapton.

William Bryan.

Thomas Scott.

Edward Brady.

Valentine Hester.

Eugene Locke.

Felix Locke.

Justice Locke.

D. Poole.

William Pearse.

John Hancock.

Nannup. Aboriginal.

Tommy Cattle. Aboriginal.

Jemmy. Aboriginal.

Start and Finish Date:

Brockman. About April 1875 to early 1876.

Clarkson. January-February 1873 to December 1874 – January 1875.


Brockman about 12 months

Start Place:


Finish Place:



After collecting stock and horses the parties started from Geraldton, NE along the Greenough River to Tallering and then north along the Murchison River to Chyrila Pool then moving north and a little west of north along the rivers to the Alma and Henry Rivers to near Mt Remarkable and then north to Fortescue Station and thence generally east to Roebourne and the De Grey River.

1:250,000 Maps:

Perth SH 50-14, Hill River SH 50-09, Dongara SH 50-05, Geraldton SH 50-01, Yalgoo SH 50-02, Murgoo SG 50-14, Byro SG 50-10, Glenburgh SG 50-06, Mt Phillips SG 50-02, Edmund SF 50-14, Wyloo SF 50-10, Yarraloola SF 50-06, Dampier SF 50-02, Roebourne SF 50-03.


The Clarkson brothers died, one of thirst, the other by the hands of natives.