Contents – Due North

Contents – Due North


Foreword        v

Measurements           vii

Directions      viii

The People Who Worked on This Volume            xvi

Introduction   xxviii


American Whalers on the North Coast.     1


The Voyage of the Scout – Exploration in the North West of Western Australia.         1


F.T. Gregory’s Expedition to the North-West Coast, April – July.            2

F.T. Gregory. Journal of the North-West Australian Exploring Expedition.      3

Appendix.    62

Vocabulary of the Aboriginal Language at Nickol Bay by Mr P. Walcott.      67

Return of Gregory. 68


Walter Padbury’s Expedition to the North-West Coast. 1863.    69

F.T. Gregory to Padbury re the North West.       69

W. Padbury. Proposed Further Exploration of the North West. 71

Preparations for a New Expedition.          72

Mr Padbury’s Expedition. 72

Joseph Beete Ridley at Nicol Bay with Walter Padbury..          74

Joseph Beete Ridley Transmits his Report of Proceedings at Nicol Bay.          75

Letter and diary of Charles Nairn, sent to his sister. .     112

Extracts from the journal of Charles Nairn          118

Reporting arrival at Nicol Bay in the Tien Tsin. 121

Return of Walter Padbury’s Expedition to Nicol Bay.    122

The Tien Tsin’s Track to the Harding River. First Trip.   126

The Tien Tsin’s Second Trip to the North-West Coast.   130

W.A. Taylor to Walter Padbury. Nicol Bay Letter.         138

Captain Jarman’s Journal of the Tien Tsin’s Third Trip.  140

James Turner. Remarks on Nicol Bay.     146

Captain J.T. Jarman. Remarks.       148

Exploration and settlement of the North-West Coast. Journal of C.C. Hunt. .   150

Charles Cooke Hunt. Exploration from Fremantle to De Grey River in the Cutter Mystery.   156

The trip of the Flying Foam to the Glenelg River.             200

James Martin. Voyage to the Glenelg River, North-West Australia.       208

From Champion Bay to Doubtful Bay.     209

From Doubtful Bay to the Lower Rapids of the Glenelg River. 216

Land Exploration to Camden Harbour.    227

From the Glenelg River to Collier Bay.    235

Collier Bay.  237

Report.         249

1863 – 1864.

The Lust for Gold Makes Men Bold.           272

The convict ‘Wildman’. A fool’s tale of gold.       272

Gold at the Glenelg.             276

1864 – 1865.

Exploration. The North Coast.         282

Glenelg Expedition.  285

Frederick Kennedy Panter. Journal.          286

Panter. Expedition to Brecknock Harbour, Camden Sound and Roebuck Bay.          297

The Glenelg Expedition.    300

Auriferous Quartz from Western Australia.         301

Quartz from the Government of Western Australia.      302

The Geology of the North-West. 302

Dr James Martin. Journal of a Voyage of Exploration to Brecknock Harbour and Roebuck Bay, on the North-West Coast of Australia, in March, April, and May         304

From Champion Bay to Camden Harbor.            304

From Brecknock Harbor to Roebuck Bay.           336

Roebuck Bay and the adjacent country.  340

From Roebuck Bay to Fremantle. 356

Thomas Burges. Expedition to the Gascoigne and Exmouth Gulf           359

Journal of the expedition to North West coast per schooner Flying Foam from Champion Bay. Diary of Thomas Burges.          360

W.A. Taylor. Exploration in Northern Australia.   379

Roebuck Bay Expedition 1864-65. The loss of Panter, Goldwyer and Harding.          382

L.C. Burges, Jun., Journal. October 1864 – January 1865.         383

L.C. Burges, Jun., Journal. 385

F.K. Panter. Official Report.           391

F.K. Panter. Journal. November 1864.      392

Constable W.H. Goldwyer. Journal. November 1864.   393

James Harding. Journal. October – November 1864.     394

James Harding. Journal.      396

James Harding. Journal.      398

Settlements at the Harding and De Grey Rivers, North West Coast.      399

Journal of the Late Voyage of the Tien Tsin. December 1864.    399

James Orkney’s Letter to Governor Hampton.      403

The Search for the Three Missing Explorers, Panter, Goldwyer and Harding.  404

Instructions to the Commander of the Clarence Packet.            404

Instructions to the Searching-party for the Missing Explorers.   405

Joseph Logue. Official Correspondence. 407

Confirmation of the Fate of Panter, Goldwyer and Harding. February – March.          410

Discovery of the remains of the north-west coast explorers.     413

To the Memory of Messrs Panter, Harding, and Goldwyer.      416

Maitland Brown. Expedition in search of Panter, Harding and Goldwyer.        417

David Francisco. The Panter-Harding-Goldwyer Relief Expedition of 1865.    452

Inquest on the bodies of Messrs F. K Panter, J. R. Harding, and W. H. Goldwyer. Inquirer 24 May 1865.  478

Pioneers of Nor’-West Australia. Pastoral and Pearling. By Lockier Clere Burges, Senior.      481

Discovery of a New Island on the NW coast of Australia. April 1865.  515

Gulliver in Dampier Land. Editorial.          516

L.L. Mount to Exmouth Gulf. June – July 1865.    518

Thomas C. Murray to Exmouth Gulf.          520

The Camden Harbour Association. 530

Nicol Bay. April – June 1865.       530

Roebuck Bay. McRae’s Expedition. October 1865.         533

Camden Harbour Minerals, by the Reverend W.B. Clarke.         535

  1. Hooley. Journal of an Expedition to Shark Bay. November 1865 – January 1866. 537

News from Mr Hooley’s Exploring Party.            543

Vocabulary of Native Language Shark’s Bay.      546


Thomas Baynton. The North-West of Australia.   547

James Cowle. Roebuck Bay to Port Walcott Overland. January – February 1866.       552

Robert J. Sholl. Return to the Harding From Camden Harbor.    569

The State of the Settlements at Port Walcott and Nickol River. 573

T.C. Sholl’s Boat Trip to the Fortescue. March 1866.       580

H.W. Venn and Others. Nicol Bay to Ashburton River. March – April 1866.  586

R.J. Sholl. Overland to the Mouth of the Fortescue River. February – March 1866.    595

E.T. Hooley. From Perth Overland to Nickol Bay and Return. April–November.         601

Our Northern Territory.       629

Alexander McRae. Exploration on the Fitzroy River. May 1866.            633

Charles Wedge. Searching for an Overland Route to Port Hedland. May – June.        637

T.C. Sholl and A. McRae. Exploration to Exmouth Gulf and Ashburton River. 642

Resident’s note to Colonial Secretary regarding Exploration to Exmouth Gulf and Ashburton River.            643

T.C. Sholl. Report of Expedition to Exmouth Gulf and Ashburton River.         648

McRae. Report of Expedition to Exmouth Gulf and Ashburton River 657

Seymour, Venn and party for the Denison Plains Company.    666

Journal of Exploring Party consisting of Robt. Seymour, H.W. Venn, S. Viveash, D. Patterson and H.J. Pettit from the Harding River N.W.A. 1866.            667

Francis Mount. From Butchers Inlet Overland to De Grey River.         676

Exploring the country lying between the Upper Sherlock and Fortescue. T.C. Sholl. August – September. 678

T.C. Sholl and A. McRae. Expedition to the Upper Sherlock and Fortescue   677

T.C. Sholl. Expedition to the Upper Sherlock and Fortescue. 679

A McRae. Expedition to the Upper Sherlock and Fortescue. 681

R.J. Sholl. The North-West Settlements.     685


T. Hooley. Overland Route Between the Murchison and Nickol Bay. 688


P.E. Warburton. Journey across the Western Interior of Australia. 1872–1874.            690

Note on the value of camels in Australian exploration.   754

Subsequent proceedings of the Expedition, and return to Adelaide       755

1880s – 1900s.

R.C.S. MacPhee. Gold Prospecting Party in the North. 1887.    759

The Calvert Scientific Exploring Expedition 1896–1897  779

William F. Rudall. Surveys and Exploration. 1896.          781

David Carnegie. Exploring and Prospecting Expedition. Coolgardie to the Kimberley and Return. 1896–1897.     782

Frank Hann. Explorations. 1897–1898.     783

Nathaniel Cooke and Lewin Cooke.          784

Charles Erskine May, surveyor and explorer.        784

Canning Stock Route Survey. 1906–1907. 784


The Brockman Droving Expedition of 1874–1875 and the Clarkson Drove of 1873–1874.   786

Biographical Notes   788

Appendix 1. The loss of the Emma.            819

Appendix 2. Plants by Alex George            822

Appendix 3. Fauna and Ecology by Dr Ian Abbott           835

Index of People         848

Index of Places          853

General Index            858