Indexes – Due North
Note: These indexes do not cover the contents of the Plant and Animal Appendices.
Index of People
Abbott, Captain J.E. 819
Aboriginals 788
Abraham, (Ab) 74, 88, 102
Adanson, M. 322
Afghans 788
Anderson & Co 682
Anderson, Alexander Edwin 507,514, 518-20, 620, 678, 685, 748, 752-3, 756, 789
Anderson, Miss Matilda 530
Andrews 507
Andrews, A. 481, 789
Angel 39
Angelo, Col. 776
Arthur ? 378
Austin, R. 611
Badcock, Captain J.H. 819
Baker 367
Barlee, Fred P. 272-280, 283, 396, 403, 405, 407, 415, 643, 648
Barr, Joe 507, 798, 819
Barrett Lennard, E.P. 281
Barrow 781, 789
Bartram, William 281
Bassett, Mrs 515
Bateman, JW. 511
Bateman, W. 200
Bathgate, George 382, 481, 483, 489-91, 504, 789
Baumgarten, Otto 784, 789, 795
Bayly 361
Baynton, Dr. Thomas 482, 507, 530, 547, 575, 587, 596
Bejah Dervish/Dervish Bejah Jakhari Baloch (Af) 779, 818
Bell (shepherd) 494, 495, 504, 510
Belras 378
Bennet, G. 322
Benson, Corporal 571-2, 789, 791
Benson, Second officer 74, 82, 83
Bickley 134
Billy (Ab) 601, 603, 610, 819, 820
Binemurra (Ab) 457
Bing (Ab) 781
Birch, E. 281
Birch, S. 281
Black Tommy (Ab) 506
Blackall 753
Blackburn, Geoff 2
Blagrav, Louis 819
Blair, J. (Magist, Portland, Vic.) 610
Blake, Edward 784, 789, 795
Bob (Ab) 399, 537, 540-1, 779
Bompas, Dr. Charles Smith 509, 601, 603, 610, 789
Bonan-garra (Ab) 411
Botriss?, Joseph 282
Bowes, H. 781, 789
Boyd, William J.H. Carr 789
Bradshaw 510
Brady, Edward 786, 790
Breaden, Joseph Albert 782, 789, 790, 794
Breadman, M. 819
Bresnahan 771-73, 777-78
Broadhurst, Charles Edward 482, 507, 530-32, 570-71, 576, 596-97,642, 648-50, 657-60, 666, 678-79, 682, 685, 790, 791
Broadhurst, Eliza 530
Broadhurst, Florence 530
Broadhurst, Mrs. 515
Brockman, Edward William 2, 4, 9, 13, 21, 24, 45, 66, 790
Brockman, John 786, 790, 791
Brockman, W. 538
Brockman, William More Drake 786, 790
Brodie, J.C. 530
Brown 819
Brown Aubrey 200, 202, 204, 205, 207, 209, 219, 233, 249, 424, 539, 545, 603, 790
Brown, D (or K.) 513
Brown, Dan 74, 409, 414, 417, 438, 447, 452, 459, 462, 474-76, 481, 498, 501, 790, 819
Brown, John 282
Brown, Kenneth 5, 200, 202-04, 206, 209, 249, 424, 617, 790
Brown, Maitland 2, 5, 9, 11, 12, 21, 23-4, 34, 37, 41, 45-49, 52-3, 57, 60, 62, 66, 405, 407-481, 484, 495-502, 504, 513, 540, 565-6, 790, 791
Brown, Mrs. R. 484
Brown, R.A. 484
Bryan, William 786, 792
Buchanan 494, 495, 504, 510,
Buchanan, Nathaniel 779, 792, 793
Buck, Richard PC 285, 294, 296, 298, 341, 346-7, 792, 793
Bunbury Tommy (Ab) 499-501, 503
Burges, Lock 362, 366-71, 373, 376-7
Burges, Lockier Clere 359, 361, 383, 382-91, 394, 395, 397, 407, 409, 414, 417, 425-29, 431-36, 440-43, 447-50, 458-62, 475-6, 479, 480-515, 538-9, 601-03, 619, 625, 628, 682, 792, 793
Burges, M. 460
Burges, S.E. (or Burges SM, L.C.) 281, 611
Burges, T. 539
Burges, Thomas 5, 304, 359-378, 483, 792
Burges, W. 5
Burges, William 483
Burgess, Mrs. 544-5
Burke, Tom 784, 792, 795
Burke, Ulrick J. 692
Burt, Adam George 693
Burt, Oct. 760
Bush, George 530
Butcher, Chief Officer 74, 792
Byrn, John 798, 819
Calvert, Albert 1
Calvert, John 1, 793, 794
Cane, Charles 530, 586, 588, 590, 591, 595, 794
Canning, Alfred Wernam 784, 794, 795
Caporn, Frederick 278, 279, 285, 301, 794
Caporn, Henry 285, 301, 794
Carmichael, J. 614
Carnegie, David Wynford 782, 789, 794
Carr 478
Carter & Co., T. & H. 511
Chamberlain, Assistant Storekeeper 572, 580
Charley (Ab 2) 702, 707-08, 712, 721, 725-6, 728-32, 734, 736-7, 739-42, 745, 748, 756
Charley (Ab) 537, 541-43, 690-759, 781
Chebert see Scheburt 387-88, 479
Cherry (Ab) 781
Christenson 819
Clapperton, Alexander 819
Clark?, John 281
Clarke, Rev. W.B. 302, 535-37
Clarkson, Barnard Drummond 200, 202-05, 206, 207, 209, 481, 545, 795, 796
Clarkson, Henry 786, 796, 796
Clarkson, Robert Leeder 786, 796
Clarkson, William 786, 796
Clifton, Marshall Waller 517
Coffee/Coffey, Daniel 580-01, 586, 596, 630, 796
Cogman, G. 819
Conelly, Captain 138
Congdon, D.K. 281
Coningsby, Robert 1
Connaughton, John 781, 796
Conway 132, 140
Conway, W. 454
Cook, Alfred 819
Cooke, Lewin 784
Cooke, Nat 494, 784, 796, 797
Cooper 219, 378,
Cooper, Captain Isaac 200-07, 382, 392, Cooper 395, 438, 484-5, 798
Cooper, W.J. 282
Cowle James 552, 569-74, 579, 629-32, 643, 648, 668, 798
Craig, Morton J. 511
Crawford, Prof. R.M. 520
Croft, F. 273
Crofton, Alfred Hancock 781, 798
Crowther 509
Cummings (Ab) 633, 634
Cummings (Ab) 634
Cunningham T[imothy]. 359, 361, 362, 366-68, 371-73, 798
Da…..?, A. 282
Dan 107
Danby, Francis 316
Darby, J. 519
Davis (Pensioner) 418
Davis, J.S. 5
De Burg? W.M. 282
De Candolle 226
DeBurgh, 538
DeBurgh, Mrs 538
Dick (Ab) 779
Dixon, Captain Josh S. 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 39, 60, 66, 798
Dora (Ab) 783
Dore, H.A. 282
Dougale/Dougall/Dugal (Ab) 74, 77, 79, 84, 87-89, 92-99, 104-5, 115-16, 118-19, 121, 124, 126, 146-7, 153-4, 166, 168-73, 175, 409-411, 414, 417, 419, 420, 422-28, 431-34, 440-41, 443, 446-48, 450, 452, 454, 456-57, 460-62, 473, 475, 476, 479-80, 495-99, 500-01, 503, 788
Doyle, Darby 494, 506
Drummond, J. 5
Du Boulay, Arthur Houssemayne 264, 285-86, 294-95, 299, 305, 347, 349, 354, 358, 798
Du Boulay, Francis Houssemayne 5, 595, 596, 798
Dutchmanchum (Ab) 411, 418, 420-28, 431, 433, 441, 446-47, 456-58, 460, 461, 479, 480,495-501
Eden, Charles H. 691-2, 755-6
Edgar, John/Jack 507, 515, 642, 648-50, 654, 657-60, 663, 798
Edmondstone, Robert 530
Eeramurra (Ab) 597, 599
Elder, Thomas 691, 755
Evans, Saml. S. 281
Eyre, E. 692
Farmaner, J. 282
Farrel 418
Farrell, John 798, 819
Farrelly, T. 281
Ferriday, Fred 494
Filchey, S. 530
Fisher 765, 767, 769
Fisher, George 511
Forrest, J. & A. 692
Forrest, Lady 484
Forster, William 301
Foster, J. 819
Fowler, J. 819
Francisco, Albert 515
Francisco, David Bras 281, 409, 414, 417, 419, 423, 443, 444, 447-50, 452-478, 480, 495, 501-02, 798
Francisco, G. 820
Francisco, Miss 484
Fraser/Frazer, Robert 507, 530, 531, 586, 588-9, 595, 799
Gale 376
Gallop, R. 285, 799
Gardiner, W. 530
George (Ab) 779, 781
Gilbert, John 719
Giles, E. 697, 774
Glass 601, 603, 610
Goldwyer, William Henry 382-480, 483, 485, 487, 498-500, 560, 797, 799
Goodall, J. / Edmond? (Pensioner) 418, 504, 505, 507, 798, 819
Gould, John 692, 710
Gould, Lionel 1
Graham, John 530
Grant, W. M’Kenzie, 507, 515, 748, 752-3, 756
Gray, H. 5
Greenacre, James Rummer 285, 799
Gregory, Augustus 481, 716, 797, 799
Gregory, Francis Thomas 2-4, 68-71, 77, 79, 80, 82-84, 89-92, 95, 98, 118, 121, 123-25, 135, 143, 147, 165, 172-74, 226, 280, 284, 380, 420, 481, 484, 498, 520-21, 524, 527, 578, 611, 614, 616-17, 626, 651, 654-55, 663, 671, 673, 725
Gregson, G. 819
Grey, George 203, 204, 207, 218, 219, 221, 222, 227, 230, 256, 274, 276, 277, 280, 301, 319, 482, 517, 518
Griffiths/Griffis, William PC 285, 287, 514, 580, 586, 596, 630, 799
Gulliver, Lemuel 516
Habgood, R.M. 484
Hall, William Shakespeare 2, 4, 7, 62, 66, 140-45, 303, 399, 403, 421, 507, 510, 513, 571, 633, 634, 799, 801
Halleem (Af) 690-759
Halleen (Af) 693-4, 699, 712-13, 727, 732, 734-5, 739, 742, 746, 748
Hamersley, Miss 484
Hamersley, Samuel 200, 202-05, 209, 481, 799
Hamilton, 781, 799
Hamilton, Francis 819
Hammond, Jesse 786, 799
Hammond, John Evan 786, 799
Hampton, John Stephen Govr 278, 280, 403, 518
Hampton, Mrs 403
Hancock, John 786, 799
Hanlon, Benjamin 530
Hann, Frank Hugh 783, 788, 800, 801
Harding, Captain 71, 483
Harding, James R. 2, 5, 9, 12, 24, 34, 37, 41, 43, 47-9, 52-3, 57, 60, 62, 66, 382-480, 484-85, 487-88, 498, 499, 500, 560, 800, 801
Harper, Charles 508, 515, 748, 752-3, 756, 800
Harrison, Captain 530-31
Harvey, William 550
Hearson 10, 12, 13, 38
Hedland, Peter 74, 81, 99, 101, 103, 107,123,150-191, 800
Helms, Thos. 281
Hemans, W. 819
Henty 781, 800
Heppingstone, Robert John 786, 800
Hester, Valentine 786, 802
Hick 625
Hickly, Nathan 282
Hicks, ? 802
Hicks, Henry Horace 482, 507, 530, 601, 628
Hinchley, Bridget (servant) 530
Hird 399
Hodgkinson, George 530
Hogan, J. 819, 820
Holmes/Holman, William 281
Hooker, Dr J.D. 692, 701
Hooley, Edward Timothy 481-82, 508, 511-13, 515, 518-20, 528, 537, 543,545, 591, 601-629, 669-70, 674, 682, 686, 688, 690, 801, 802
Horrigan, John Augustus 760-778
Howlett, G. 753
Hughes 226
Hughes, Walter Watson 691
Hunt, Charles Cooke 72, 74, 76-79, 81-83, 85, 88, 90, 92, 94, 95, 99, 100-01,104, 107, 108, 111, 113, 115-18, 121, 123-4, 126, 128, 130, 141, 144, 146, 149, 150-191, 692, 802
Indorph, Jacob 481, 507, 802
Jack (Ab) 533, 534
Jackaman, Constable 571, 575, 580
James, Abraham 4, 10, 57, 66, 71, 802
James, Edw. S. 281
Jarman, Captain John T. 74, 76, 78, 82, 85,111-13,121-23,124-27, 130-31, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 168, 169, 148,150-166, 168-9, 191, 515, 516, 802
Jarvis 418
Jeffrey, William 530
Jemmy (Ab) 786
Jenkins, Harry 760-778,
Johnny (Ab) 417, 419, 570, 628
Johnson, Samuel 275
Johnson, W. 819
Johnston 277
Johnstone 693
Jones, Constable Walter 74, 595-7, 630, 637, 642, 648-9, 651, 657, 661, 677-79, 680-83, 638-39, 641, 677, 685, 819
Jones, George Lindsay 779, 802, 818
Jones, Samuel 273, 277
Jones, Walter 803, 819
Jones, William 786, 803
Judge, Lieut. David 359, 361, 369, 371, 376, 515, 803
Juluwah (Ab) 537, 541
Kalera (Ab) 432
Karimba (Ab) 433, 435-37, 439-43, 447, 451
Keartland, George Arthur 779, 803, 818
Keld, Joseph 406, 407, 414, 417, 419,431, 432, 437,452, 453, 455, 460, 462, 473, 479, 495, 496, 498, 803
King, Captain P.P. 10, 127, 159, 284, 515, 586
King, Robert 281
Kirrimba (Ab) 497-99, 503
Knapton, John 786, 803
Knight & Co. 577
Knight, G. 617
Knight, W.H. 399, 803
Lamer/Larner, J. (shepherd) 494-5, 503
Landor, E.W. 281
Lawrence, J. 285
Lawrence, William 285, 803, 805
Leach, L.S. 281
Leake, George Walpole. 281, 478, 616,
Leake, Sir Luke 483
Lear-a-ban (Ab) 418, 431-2, 446, 496-7, 503
Ledger, Walter 788
Lee Steere, Augustus F. 281
Lefroy, 692
Lefroy, H.M. 272-276
Leibius, A. 302
Lennard 24
Lewis, John W. 695, 701-02, 706, 709, 711-13, 717-8, 721, 725-6, 728-9, 732, 734, 739-44, 748, 752, 755-6, 804, 817
Liddelow, John 282
Lochee, Fras 281
Lock (cousin) 368
Locke, Eugene 786, 804
Locke, Felix 786, 804
Locke, Justice 786, 804
Lockyer, G. 399
Logue, Henry 281, 285, 292, 295, 299, 334, 804
Logue, Joseph 407-10, 413-4, 418-9, 421, 423, 425, 428, 431, 451, 453-54, 459-60, 476, 481, 495-96, 503-04, 507, 510, 533, 569-70, 634, 804
Logue, Joseph Henry 804
Lorenyens 761
Lukin, George Hamilton 804
Lukin, L. 399, 400
M’Guain, Captain 494
M’Leod 761
MacIntosh 482, 507-08
Macintosh, Malcolm 530
MacPhee & Co 769
MacPhee, R.C.S. 759-778, 806
Magarey, A.T. 818
Mahomet Sahleh/Saleh Mahomet (Af) 690-759
Manford, B. 282
Mann, F. 781, 804
Manning 4, 285
Manning, C.A. 282
Manning, Lucius, Alexander / 804
Marmion, W.E. 758
Martin, Dr James 200, 204, 205, 208-271, 285-6, 289, 294, 296-301, 304, 312, 358, 382, 386, 388, 391, 395, 413, 429, 434, 481, 517-8, 804
Mason, Benjamin 281
Massie, Godfrey Egerton 782, 794, 804
May, Charles Erskine 784, 806
Maycock 478
Maycock, B. 281
McCourt, James 2, 4, 57, 66, 74, 77, 83-5, 113, 124, 133-4, 137-45, 148-9, 166, 168-9, 507, 633-4, 806
McCourt, John 806
McGrath 601, 618-9, 806
McGrath, Michael 819
McKay, Fitz Roderick 511
McKay, Roderick Louden 530, 586-8, 590, 592-3, 595, 624, 753
McLeod, M. 575-6, 760-778, 806
McRae, Alexander Joseph 481, 507, 510, 533, 535, 552, 560, 569-70, 621-22, 633, 637, 642-3, 648-50, 652, 654, 657, 666, 677-81, 685-6, 762-3, 805, 806
McRae, F. 515
Meares, H. 514
Meares, S.H. 510
Mercy 623
Mews, Thomas William 382, 388, 478, 480, 483, 489-90, 493, 807
Middleton 633
Mills, John 484
Mina (Ab) 783
Minnie (Ab) 783
Mitchell, Samuel T. 281
Moke (Ab) 285, 287, 305, 314, 315
Monger 807
Monger Jnr. & Co., J.B. 282
Monger, John Henry Jnr & Co 281, 543, 545, 620,
Monger, Stephen James 200, 206, 209
Moody, Robert Shaw 784, 795, 807
Moore, W. 5
Moran, Kevin 820
Morrissey, M. 5, 304
Mount, Francis Lambton 676, 677, 807
Mount, Lionel Lambton 403, 411, 421, 422, 518, 520, 528, 578, 591, 620, 807
Mueller 570
Mueller, F. 322
Mullagan “King” (Ab) 513, 514
Mullagongh (Ab) 571, 579
Mullear see Muller
Müller, Bertha 530
Müller, Carnot 530
Müller, Eda 530
Müller, Harry 530
Müller, Mrs. 530
Müller, Simeon 482, 530
Murphy, Michael 552, 561, 563, 565, 570, 807
Murray, Thomas C. 481-2, 518, 519, 520, 592, 620, 807
Nairn, Charles 72, 74, 78-92, 95-99, 100, 102, 104-8, 112, 117-8, 121, 123-26, 129-31140-41, 144, 146-53, 155, 166-71,176-7, 180-86, 380, 399, 410-11, 414, 420-1, 452, 454-57, 476, 481, 483, 491, 507, 511, 565, 573, 807, 819
Nancarrow 603, 628
Nannup (Ab) 786
Ned (Ab) 74, 87, 107, 779
Newman, Aubrey 781, 807
Newman, E. 281
Nicholson, James(?) (Trooper) 779, 808
Nim (Ab) 539, 540
Norrie 312
O’Flaherty, I. 781, 808
O’Grady, Harry 509
Oliver, Captain John 410, 418-19, 430-31, 438, 447, 454, 462, 808
Ord, Craven Henry (Harry) (Police Sub-Inspector) 779, 808
Orkney, James 403, 518
Owen, Prof Richard 536, 692, 702, 711, 753
Own?, W.W. 281
Owston, Captain William 285-6, 289, 300, 808
Padbury, Walter 69, 71-4, 75-6, 82-86, 98, 100, 102-3, 121-2, 126, 128-9, 133, 138, 140, 146, 148-9, 151, 166-69, 287, 311, 379-80, 406, 419-20, 478, 483, 518, 808, 809
Paddy (Ab) 637, 639, 640
Panter, Frederick Kennedy 250, 276, 279-80, 284-301, 310,312, 320-21, 329, 341, 343, 358, 382-480, 483-85, 487, 498-500, 517-18, 560, 808, 809
Parker, F 359, 361-2, 366-73, 378, 808
Pascoe, James 552, 561, 562, 565, 570, 573, 579, 808
Paterson, A. 282
Patrick (Ab) 597
Patrick/Pattereegue (Ab) 595-96
Patterson 579
Patterson, Donald 666-676
Patterson, James 552, 570, 573,
Pearce, F. 206, 209, 808
Pearse 540-44, 808
Pearse, Fredk 753, 757
Pearse, George 282
Pearse/Pearce, S. 200
Pearse, William 786, 808
Perks, John 494-6, 503-06, 510, 808, 809
Peter (Ab) 74, 104, 514, 595-96, 630, 637-39, 641-42, 648-49, 657, 677-83, 685
Pettit, H.J. 667-676
Philip (Ab) 781
Phillips 384
Phillips, S.P. 282
Pilmer, Richard Henry (Trooper) 779, 809, 810
Pond, J. 781, 810
Poole, D. 786, 810
Prince Jacko (Ab) 456
Prince Tom (Ab) 411, 418, 421, 452, 456,
Purding-marra (Ab) 411, 412, 422
Purvis, William 798, 819
Radford, Edward 798, 819
Randell, G. 281, 759
Rawlinson, Sir Henry 747
Redman/Redmond 200, 203, 209, 810
Richardson, Alexander Robert 677-80, 682-83, 685, 810
Richardsons 507
Ridley, Joseph Beete 72, 74, 75, 82, 113-15, 118, 122-26, 130, 141, 146-53, 166-73, 176-78, 180-81, 184-85, 810
Roberts 552, 566,
Roberts, Gifford Edward 595, 596, 597, 601, 812
Roe, F. 617
Roe, J.S., Captain 4, 284, 403, 615, 692
Rogers, W. 819, 820
Rogers, Police Corp 687
Rudall, William F. 781, 811, 812
Ryley, T. Rutherford 757
Sahleh (Af) 693-4, 699, 709-13, 727, 734, 739, 746, 750-3
Said Ameer (Af) 779
Sam 113
Sambo (Ab) 595, 597, 600
Samson, Lionel 281,
Samson/Sampson, Michael 74, 76, 78, 82, 85, 123,125, 127-29, 166, 168, 169, 812
Sandy (Ab) 779
Saw, Henry 282
Sayer, W.I. 530
Sayers/Sawer/Sawyer, W.F. 530
Scheburt/Cheburt, George 382, 387-88, 479, 483-4,489-97, 503-06, 510, 812
Schubert 570
Scott 140-44, 177, 812
Scott SM, G 281
Scott, D. 361
Scott, Daniel 509
Scott, Samuel 281
Scott, SM, Daniell 281
Scott, Thomas 786, 812
Scott, W. 285
Semple, Charles 281
Semple, David 281
Seymour, Robert 666-676
Shenton, E. 281
Shenton, George 281-3
Shields, David 285, 289, 294-5, 297-8, 341, 382, 390, 493, 813
Sholl, H.W. 483, 508, 666
Sholl, J. 632
Sholl, R.F. 507
Sholl, R.G. 638
Sholl, Richard 483
Sholl, Robert John 273, 281, 481, 483, 495, 514, 518, 567, 569, 572-580, 595, 597-8, 601, 629, 643, 648, 657, 678-9, 681, 688, 753, 756-57, 811, 813, 820
Sholl, Treverton Charles 511, 580, 586, 596, 621, 630, 642, 643, 648, 657-68, 677-83, 685-6, 813, 819
Simpson 166, 482, 507
Simpson, David 530
Sivert, G (?) 74, 813
Smith, B. 281
Smith, Charles 819, 820
Smith, J. 399
Smith, T. 399
Smythe (Swedish) 508-09
Spider (Ab) 783
Stainer, John 552, 570, 579, 813, 819, 820
Stansmore, Charles William 782, 811, 813
Stayner, J. 561, 563, 565,
Stevenson 761-2
Stewart (carpenter) 489, 813
Stewart, Charlie 382, 483, 484, 487, 490, 493-95, 813
Stokes, Captain 53, 127, 221, 515, 517
Stokes, M. 285, 813
Stone? John L. 282
Stotter, G. 400
Sturt, Captain 705
Summerfield/Summerville 200, 203, 206, 209, 813
Sutton, Charles 819, 820
Swift, Dean 516
Talbot (Ab) 783, 788, 801
Tannor, Dr. 481
Tase see Tays
Taylor 200, 200, 206-209, 813, 814
Taylor, John 483, 814
Taylor, W.A. 131-33,138, 141, 379, 381, 399-403, 421, 518
Taylor, Knight & Co 820
Tays, William F. 482, 483,507, 530, 580-1, 586, 596, 598, 630, 814, 819, 820
Thomas, E. 285, 814
Thompson 762-3
Thorlow (Ab) 783
Thornbill 361
Throgood, W. (stockman) 400
Tobin, Joe 784, 795, 814
Tobin, Michael 784, 795, 814
Toby (Ab) 513, 514
Tom (Ab) 474, 475
Tommy (Ab) 601
Tommy Cattle (Ab) 786
Tommy Dunedale (Ab x2?) 285, 289-90, 294-7, 298, 341, 343, 347, 348, 413, 418-19, 424, 426, 443, 446-47, 495,537, 540-44, 570, 610, 613, 616, 622-28
Tonkin, H. 781, 814
Toovey, Septimus Robert (PC) 409, 410, 414, 417, 419-21, 423-24, 426, 431-32, 435, 442, 446, 448, 450, 453-58, 460-61, 473-74, 479, 495-99, 501, 503-07, 533-35, 552, 560, 569, 633, 634, 814, 819
Townberrie (Ab) 514
Trainor, James 779, 814
Trimen, Dr Henry 692
Trotman, Herbert S. 781, 784, 795, 811, 814
Truslove 766
Tuckey, C. 821
Turner (mate) 389, 418, 420, 462, 475
Turner 285
Turner, J.M.W. 316
Turner, James Augustus 2, 4, 9, 74, 47, 62, 66, 72, 76-8, 83, 85-8, 99, 100, 102-03, 105, 107, 110, 113-15, 121, 123-25, 129, 134, 140, 146-7, 149, 150-191, 311-12, 493, 815
Turner, W. 781, 815
Turpin (Ab) 781
Ugarrigabba (Ab) 9
Venn, Harry Whitall 482, 507, 530, 586, 595, 622, 658, 666-676, 757, 815, 817
Vincent, John/Jack 382, 386-87, 479,483, 488-91, 495-96, 504-06, 533-4, 552, 560, 569, 815, 819
Viveash, Samuel Waters? 537-38, 540-45, 666-676, 815
Von Bibra, C. 5
Von Bibra, F. 539, 542, 545
Von Bibra, Mrs. 539
Von Mueller, Baron 717
Walcott, Pemberton 2, 5, 13, 39, 60, 61, 66, 67, 815, 817
Walker, Captain 493
Walter 113
Warburton, Peter Egerton 690-759, 816, 817
Warburton, Richard Egerton 690-759, 817
Ward 301
Ward, E.W. 302
Warrara (Ab) 598
Warri (Ab) 782, 789, 794
Wedge 666,
Wedge, Charles 482, 530, 637, 639, 641, 687, 816
Wedge, Fanny 530
Wedge, Frederick 530
Wedge, Jessie 530
Wedge, John 530
Wedge, Mrs 515
Wedge, Mrs. Frances B. 530
Welbungurra (Ab) 597
Weld, Governor 692, 747
Wellard, John 140-45, 148, 380, 403, 508, 518, 578, 641, 507, 513
Wells 761
Wells, Charles Frederick 779, 816, 818
Wells, Lawrence Allen 779, 816, 817, 818
White, Dennis 690, 693, 711, 731, 740-1, 748, 818
White, S. 819
Whittle, William 418, 798, 819
Wildman/Wilsman/Willman, Robert’ (convict) 272-287, 289, 301, 818
Wilkerson 540-42, 545, 771, 772, 774
Wilkinson 543
Wilkinson, Fred 760-778, 818
Wilkinson, James 537-8
Willard 579
William (Ab) 601, 620, 819
Williams, J. 5
Williams, Robert (PC) 409, 414, 417, 419, 420, 423-26, 431, 435, 442-43, 447-50, 453-55, 460-62, 475, 479-80, 495-98, 500-06, 552, 560, 818, 819
Williard, J. 820
Willy, Tom 494
Withnall, John 403, 421, 507, 518, 570, 578, 641
Withnall, Mrs. 514, 570
Wittenoom, Chas. 281
Wittenoom, Frank 483
Wittenoom, Sir Edward 483
Woodhouse, Mrs. 631
Woods 504
Wynne 377
Yagobiddy (Ab) 597-99
Index of Places
This index does not include the Biographies or the Appendixes.
Abraham’s Creek 118
Abrolhos Islands 357, 508
Adelaide 403, 691-2, 725
Adele Island 242, 516
African Reef 508-9
Albany 759
Alberga River 693
Albury Bay 205
Alice Springs 692
Alligator Point 224
Alma River 14, 24, 32, 617, 618, 690, 767, 787
Anderson & Co’s Station 577-8, 679, 682
Andon 761
Andover 482, 510, 511
Angelo River 776-7
Annie Spring 701
Arnheim’s Land 322
Arthur’s Head 516
Ashburton 511, 525, 526, 528, 664
Ashburton Falls 771
Ashburton River 1, 32, 33, 519, 586-7, 589-91, 594-5, 601, 616-22, 625, 631, 642-3, 648-9, 652-3, 655-7, 661-2, 666, 669-71, 674, 676, 678, 685-6, 688, 690, 760, 763-5, 769-74, 776, 778
Attack Creek 651
Attack Pool 620
Augustus Island 254, 289, 291, 298, 301, 334
Australind 517
B A Well 396
Babbage Island 373
Baleine Bank 243
Bananggarra 422-3
Baring Downs 626, 655, 664
Barlee Range 32, 619
Barlee Springs 391, 396-7, 534, 535, 569, 634, 636
Barlee’s Impediment 221, 223
Barn Hill 341, 354, 386, 488, 491-2, 503
Barrow Island 109, 127, 157-8, 187-8, 206, 211-12, 383, 401
Bathurst Island 318, 336
Battery Point 318-9
Bay of Rest 366
Baylup 274
Beagle Bank 288, 318, 515, 397, 484-5, 504
Beagle Bay 397, 484-5, 504
Bedout Island 128,250, 287, 309-10, 314, 424
Beere-a-gnarry Well 540
Beltana Station 692
Bernier Island 357
Bezout Island 137, 159, 165
Big Hill 761
Big Sandy Island 511
Billing Milling 560
Birthday Creek 650
Bishops Glen/Dell 718
Black Hill 59, 567, 577, 761
Black Range 578
Blefuscu Island 516
Boat Passage 581, 585
Boileau, Cape 213, 315
Bold Cliffs 763
Bompas Range 628
Bonan-garra 411
Boodlah Beach 377
Boola Boola 411, 422, 427, 441, 443, 462, 473, 475, 491, 496, 497, 560
Boola Boola Ingeduna 439, 457
Boolah 541, 544
Bowes 483, 486
Bowes River 210, 545, 603, 623, 628
Bowes Station 494
Breaker Inlet 35, 52, 75-7, 81-3, 94, 105, 123, 184, 187,
Brecknock Bay 233
Brecknock Harbour 208, 228, 229, 250, 254, 258, 260, 289, 290, 292-93, 297-300, 303-4, 319, 321, 328-31, 334-36, 339, 342, 346, 482, 569
Brecknock Island 320
Bridgewater, Cape 531
Brinkleys Bluff 695
Broad Reach 323
Brown’s Creek 117
Browns Station 377
Brue Rock 251, 288, 317, 336
Buccaneer Archipelago 215, 288, 336
Buckland Hills 623
Bulla Bulla 498-500, 503
Bullock Creek 99
Buragotharah 378
Burges’ Creek 611
Burt Creek 694, 695
Butcher Inlet 77-8, 85, 100, 110, 114-15, 128, 130-3, 137-42, 145, 148-9, 176, 509, 570, 574, 578, 580, 581, 585, 596, 598, 601, 630-1, 676, 687
Butchers Creek 113
Byam Martin Groups 318
Byam Martin’s Island 254, 291, 298, 330
Caffarelli Island 215, 250-1, 288, 297, 317-8, 336,
Cain River 622
Calcutta 403
Camden Harbor 204, 208, 221, 225-9, 253, 260, 274-80, 282, 286, 289, 291-93, 298-00, 302, 304, 310, 316, 320-22, 325, 327-8, 331-2, 334-5, 481-2, 495, 507-8, 510, 516-18, 531, 533, 535-6, 550, 572, 579, 631
Camden Harbor Association 571
Camden Harbour scheme 550
Camden Peninsula 254
Camden Sound 203, 204, 258-60, 265, 283, 297, 318, 334-5
Camp Lambert 121, 124
Campion Bay 346
Cane River 594, 623, 649, 656, 659, 665, 668-9, 675
Cangigangie 762
Canning Stock Route 784
Carnarvon Range 784
Cape Baskerville, 201, 315, 337
Cape Borda 201, 214, 292, 298, 336, 355,
Cape Bossut 265, 284, 354, 413, 434,
Cape Cuvier 6
Cape Du Boulay 265, 354, 387
Cape Dupuy 188
Cape Farquhar 305
Cape Gordon 386-7, 389
Cape Gourdon 354, 356, 560
Cape Harding 413,
Cape Harding 414, 462, 475
Cape Jaubert 430, 435
Cape Lambert 38, 61, 63, 77, 83-4, 109, 127-8, 134, 149, 159, 164-6, 176, 581,
Cape Larrey 284
Cape Latouche Treville 261, 265, 295, 299, 353-4, 356, 387-8, 390, 392-3, 398, 408, 414, 430-2, 435-6, 439, 447, 449, 461,475,487, 491-3, 496, 501, 503, 560
Cape Leeuwin 532-3
Cape Leschenault 156
Cape Leveque 214, 316
Cape Otway 531, 533
Cape Preston 401,582, 584-6,
Cape Thouin 101, 153-4, 159, 163, 172, 178, 532
Cape Villaret 263-5, 293, 298-9, 339-41, 345-6, 348-9, 354, 389, 394, 407, 414, 425, 431-2, 451, 484, 535, 560, 569-70, 572, 634
Capricorn Range 32-3, 527, 654, 663
Careening Island 260, 334-5
Carmichael Creek 614, 689
Carmichael River 627
Carnac Island 401
Carr’s Well 396
Cask Well 100
Casuarina Reef 265, 284, 354
Central Mt Wedge 698
Champagny Island 274, 277, 288, 318
Champion Bay 5, 39, 60, 63, 201, 206, 209-10, 242, 245-6, 248-50, 255, 261, 265, 286, 297, 304-5, 342, 357, 359-61, 383, 387, 391, 424, 453, 477, 479, 537, 542-45, 574, 602-3, 611, 617, 621, 625, 629, 686, 688-9
Charlotte Waters 693
Chichester Downs 14, 35, 421, 521
Church Hill 341, 350-1, 386, 488, 491-2, 503
Chyrila Pool 787
Cleft Island 318
Cliff Spring 497, 514, 588
Cockatoo Well 634
Cockell’s Island 201, 215, 292, 335-6, 516
Cockle Shell Gully 125, 538
Colac 482
Collier Bay 205, 206, 208, 215-16, 226, 235, 237, 240, 241-2, 259, 310, 335, 352
Cone Bay 215
Coola Cullaraga Well 541
Cool-cur-da 540
Cool-cur-da a Well 539
Coolgardie 782
Cooper’s Creek 223
Cooper’s Spring 395-7, 408, 485, 506
Cossack (Tien Tsin Harbour) 508-13, 519, 752
Cottesloe 508
Cowrie Cove 136
Croyden Station 510
Cue 781
Curlew River 649, 652, 659, 660, 662,
Dampier Land 264, 298, 336, 392, 395-6, 416, 478, 534
Dampier’s Archipelago 153, 164, 357, 516
Darling Peak 577
Dashwood Creek 697
Davis River 50
De Grey River 1, 45, 50-3, 55, 65, 70, 76-9, 81, 83, 86, 88, 90-2, 94, 98-101, 103-5, 113, 115, 119-24, 126, 130, 138, 140-1, 144, 146-8, 151, 154-6, 161-2, 168, 170-2, 174, 176, 177, 180-1, 183-7, 280, 282-4, 310, 379-80, 388, 399, 404-14, 419, 424, 430, 438, 441, 452, 454, 458, 476, 479, 481, 483, 511, 536, 565-68, 571, 573-4, 579, 630, 632-3, 637, 676-7, 750-1, 755,765, 787
De Grey Station 481, 483, 491, 501, 507, 690, 752-3, 755-6
De Lambro Island 477
Deep Creek 668
Deep Reach 172
Delambre Island 7, 62, 76, 82, 112, 123, 127-8, 131, 144, 159, 165-6, 176, 187, 206, 244-5
Denison Plains Company 547, 549-50, 571, 575-76, 632, 666-7
Depot Camp 49, 229, 350, 354, 391, 407-8, 418, 426, 637
Depuch Island 35, 37-8, 79, 88-9,116,125, 153, 159, 164-5, 476
Derby 482
Derby Bay 504
Dirk Hartog Island 110,190, 201, 209-10, 249, 305, 357, 361, 366, 383
Disappointment Creek 601
Diver Inlet 584-5, 657
Dixon Island 61, 135-6, 581, 585
Dolphin Island 7, 63-4, 158, 165, 176,
Dongarra 511
Dorre Island 249, 357
Double Isle 401
Doubtful Bay 201, 205, 208, 215-16, 233, 236-8, 253, 259, 261, 320
Doubtful Harbour 216, 228, 258
Drilligenge (or Triplets) 274, 277
DuBoulay Creek 601, 676
Duck Creek 529, 653, 656, 662, 665, 670, 674-5
Dugal’s Well 501
Dugald River 105, 118, 146, 151, 181, 183
Dulawah 378
Dunedale Creek 324, 328
Durlacher River 689
East Harding River 88,576
Edgar Peak 653, 655, 662
Edmund River 24, 32
Eeramurra Creek 598-601
Ellen Peak 611
Emetian, Cape 288
Emeu Creek 588, 594
Emgully Creek 766
Emu Creek 44
Encounter River 99
Enderby Island 12, 64, 127, 158, 245, 582, 585
Ethel (Ether) Creek 709, 711, 713
Eva Springs 702
Exmouth Gulf 1, 32, 357, 359-60, 365, 518-20, 526, 594-5, 642-3, 648, 650-2, 657, 659-60, 668, 685
Expedition Island 516
False Mt Russell 714
Farmaner’s Well 396-7
Finke River 696-7
Finnerty Creek 615
Fish River 261, 325-28
Fitzgerald Range 620
Fitzroy River 533
Fitzroy River 75, 78, 82, 108, 255, 263, 280, 294, 316, 348, 397, 484, 506, 534, 570, 579, 634-5, 637
Flying Foam Passage 99
Foam Passage 216, 259, 261
Forestier Island 153, 163-4
Fortescue River 20, 21, 35, 65, 70, 421, 510, 513, 519, 521, 580, 582, 584, 587, 594-601,623-5, 629-31, 648, 657-8, 663, 666-7, 676-82, 684-86, 690, 762
Fortescue Station 787
Fraser River 504, 510
Frederick Creek 617
Fremantle 4, 71, 74-6, 78, 81, 85-6,107-8, 112, 114, 121, 138, 144, 146, 148, 156, 169, 185, 273, 276, 285, 296-7, 356, 380, 383-4, 389, 391, 399, 404, 407, 413, 415, 418-9, 421, 423, 452-3, 476, 478-80, 483-4, 493-5, 508, 511, 515, 532, 571-2, 574, 603, 632, 758
Freycinet Harbour 361, 377, 540
Gage’s Roads 62,131,140, 144-5, 150, 156, 190, 400,
Gairdner River 221, 228-9, 261, 289-90, 323-6,
Gantheaume Bay 156
Gardner River 297
Gascoyne River 3, 10, 13, 24, 63, 359-60, 373, 375, 383, 539, 541-2, 544, 614-5, 627, 689, 770,
Geograph Shoals 163, 178
George River 37, 59, 79, 98,115, 143-45,144, 153-4, 171, 218, 521,577-8, 640, 679, 682
George Water 205, 208, 221-3, 228, 233, 236-240, 253, 255, 259, 261, 326, 482
Geraldine Mine 602-3, 612, 614, 628, 686, 688-9
Geraldton 482-4,508-11, 539, 543, 620, 629, 787
Gidley Island 127, 158, 176
Gin Gin 538
Glen Elder 700
Glen Herring 44
Glen Hughes 699, 700
Glen Ross 774
Glenelg Falls 222
Glenelg River 200-9, 216-40, 249, 251, 254-5, 259, 261, 274-7, 280, 282, 284, 290, 297, 321-3, 326-7, 331-2, 350, 481-2, 517
Glenelg, SA 752, 753
Glengarry 210, 479, 484, 511, 513, 539, 545,
Globe Hill 527-8, 593, 643, 652, 656, 661, 665-6, 669, 685
Gnungah Well 540, 541-43
Godfrey Range 617
Goldwyer’s Spring 396-7, 428, 459, 476, 484-5, 493, 495,
Goldwyre Sheep Station 634, 637
Goodwin Island 158, 245
Gorge of Swan 274
Gorge River 762
Government Camp 567,576, 581, 657, 678-9, 685
Grass Mount 611, 628, 689
Gray’s Bay 509
Great Plain 563, 568, 632
Great Sherlock 567
Green Island 245, 260, 292, 320, 334-5
Greenough Flats 40,125-6, 143, 145, 506,
Greenough River 125, 787
Gregory’s Camp 13 519, 684
Gregory’s Camp 27 655, 664
Gregory’s Camp 30 616
Gregory’s Camp 49 142, 145, 576, 579
Gregory’s camp 50 143, 145
Gregory’s Depot Springs 764
Gregory’s Spring 617, 626
Gregory’s Well 76, 83, 136
Grey City 214
Guildford 515
Haasts Bluff 697
Hamelin Harbour 360-1, 365, 377, 541-2, 544
Hamersley Range 14, 20-4, 33-5, 43, 65, 519, 521, 621-2, 680, 683, 684, 676
Hamilton Springs 695
Hampton Downs 229
Hanover Bay 227
Hardey River 24, 32, 34, 519, 520, 525-6, 591, 620, 652-3, 656, 662-4, 671, 673-4, 676, 763-5, 778
Harding River 40, 59, 70, 77, 79, 83-4, 98,113-5, 122, 124-9, 132-4, 139, 142-8, 151, 155-6, 169, 171, 175-6, 186, 303-4, 379-80, 399-00, 421, 511, 513-4, 531, 570-4, 577, 579-80, 631, 638-41, 654-5, 657, 666-7, 681-2, 685
Harvey River 778
Hauy Island 62,158-9, 166
Hearson Cove 38, 60, 76, 83, 101, 123, 136, 165, 585
Heaston’s Cove 112
Helena 273
Henry River 620, 690, 765, 787
Hermit Isle 401
Hermite Island 188
Heywood’s Group 330
Heywood’s Island 254, 318
High Island 214
Hobson’s Bay 531
Hooley Creek 674
Horrigans Pool 776
Horse Station 539
Hugh River 695
Hunt’s Pass 476, 641, 677, 638
Indian Ocean 1
Ingedarna 441, 446
Intercourse Islands 581, 585
Irwin River 538-9
Jarman Island 77,100, 127-8, 133, 137,139, 176, 178, 687
Jones’ Creek 115, 577-8, 580, 638-9
Judge’s Chair 424
Kangan 679, 682
Kangon Pool 510
Kenneth Range 617, 626-7
King George’s Sound 532
King’s Sound 214, 241-2, 285, 292, 316-7, 336
King’s Table Hill 249
Koolawarah 378
Koopayangangang 377
Korlkenda 378
Lacepede Group 206,243, 287, 306, 337
Lady Edith Lagoon 719
Lagrange Bay 75, 82, 263-4, 285, 294-6, 299, 352-4, 385, 388, 390, 392-3, 398, 406, 410, 413, 422, 437-9, 457, 462, 476, 479-80, 485, 491, 493, 495, 497, 499
Lake Gregory 716
Lake Hall 635
Lake Ingedana (Boolu Boolu) 413
Lake Ingedarna 442-3
Lake White 714
Lamer’s Station 476, 495, 506
Landor 689
Landor Creek 615
Landor River 627
Laudy Island 582
Learburn’s Leap 462
Legendre Island 7, 63, 127, 159, 187, 212, 245, 383
Lewis Island 206, 245, 582
Libya 703
Linton Lagoon 430
Little Harding River 578
Little Sherlock 567
Little Turtle Island 151-2, 179
Lizard Island 201, 215
Lockier River 363, 376, 430,
Lockyer River 626
Logue River 504, 510, 635-6
Long Reach 224
Lorenyens Station 761
Lowendale Island 401
Lower DeGrey 423
Lower Murchison River 629
Lower Sherlock 65
Lynton 378, 484, 506
Lyons Falls 771
Lyons River 23-4, 32, 63, 65, 616-8, 626, 629, 688-90, 760, 765, 768-9, 771, 778,
Macadam Plains 615
MacDonald Range 229, 298, 326
Magnetic Group 95-6
Magnetic Hills 155, 174
Mahogany Creek 274
Mainland Station 582
Maitland Bay 222-3, 236, 261
Maitland Harbour 223
Maitland River 13, 38, 513, 576-7, 587, 589, 595-01, 631, 648, 657-8, 666-7, 676, 681, 684
Maitland River Inlet 582
Malus Island 245-6
Maneeroo Bay 537
Mangrove Bay 582, 586
Mangrove Creek 182
Mangrove Harbor 91-2, 118, 123-6, 130, 146-7,151, 154-5, 162, 176, 178, 419,
Mangrove Inlet 172
Mangrove Island 585
Marble Bar 784
Marmallah 377
Mary Springs 714
McCleay Islands 215, 336
McDonnell Ranges 695-7
McKay Creek 587, 595
McLeod’s Pyramid 613
Melbourne 403, 416, 530, 533, 632,
Mermaid Strait 9, 12, 63, 245, 582, 585
Miari Camp 587, 667, 676
Middleton’s Station 567, 578
Millstream Station 510, 521
Mim-a-garra 538
Mokine 274
Montebello Islands 109,187, 206, 246, 383, 391, 401, 403
Montgomery Island 206, 215-6, 241, 259
Montgomery Island Reef 242
Montgomery Reef 335
Montgomery Shoal 259
Moondine 274
Moore River 538
Morrissey River 689
Morrissey’s Pool 508
Moschette Wells 367
Mosquito Creek 667
Mosquito Flat 325,327
Mosquito Plains 587
Mt Agamemnon 767
Mt Alexander 526, 527, 591, 592, 621, 652, 656, 660, 661, 665, 669, 670
Mt Alpha 526
Mt Aubrey 611, 628, 689
Mt Augustus 32-4, 616, 621, 627, 689,767,769-70,
Mt Benna 538
Mt Blair 610
Mt Blaze 54, 423, 430, 565, 571,
Mt Brockman 763
Mt Bruce 34, 63, 763
Mt Dawson, 766
Mt De Courcy, 653, 662
Mt Direction 522
Mt Double Cone 254, 289, 297, 322-3
Mt Dugale, 612, 689
Mt Elephant 654
Mt Finn 621
Mt Gascoyne 615, 689
Mt Gregory 591
Mt Hay Range 695, 696
Mt Hill 5
Mt Hope 611
Mt King 290, 323, 325-7, 331, 334
Mt Leake 616
Mt Lesueur 358, 516
Mt Lizard 237-8, 240
Mt Lookover 254, 260, 291, 320, 331-5, 481
Mt Lyell 225-6, 230, 323, 327, 331
Mt Maitland 619
Mt McPherson 725
Mt Murchison 612, 628, 689
Mt Murray 592, 652, 661, 670
Mt Nairn 613
Mt Narryer 612, 689
Mt O’Halloran 693
Mt Palgrave 767
Mt Phillips 32
Mt Pyrton 680, 682-4
Mt Remarkable 482, 591, 669, 675, 787
Mt Roe, 615
Mt Russell 714
Mt Samson 34
Mt Samuel 32
Mt Septimus 653
Mt Seymour 670, 675
Mt Spinifex 97, 98, 117,175, 181, 182
Mt Steere 689
Mt Sturt 231, 233
Mt Turner 763
Mt Walker 670, 671, 675
Mt Wall 525, 653, 654, 662, 671
Mt Wedge Range 698
Mt Welcome 612
Mt Wellard 577
Mt Wilson 716-7
Mt Yule 226, 233
Muiron Island 201
Mullewa 779
Mundabullangana Station 753
Murchison River 13, 209-10, 249, 378, 383, 508, 539, 545, 549, 602-3,610-14, 627-8, 688-9, 760, 777-8, 787
Murray River 125
Neales R. 693
New Island 260, 335
Newcastle (Toodyay) 508,538
Nichol River 9, 38, 60-1, 71, 482, 547, 573, 575, 648, 657, 666-7, 676, 681, 685
Nickol Bay 12, 22, 36, 38, 58, 60, 63-4, 67-8, 70, 74-6, 82-3, 88-9, 102, 109, 112, 114-5, 121-4, 131, 133-9, 146, 151, 153, 159, 165-6, 176, 178, 206, 212, 244, 356, 359, 507, 518, 530, 547, 576,581-2, 585-6, 592, 597-9, 601-2, 611, 616, 619-20, 628, 657, 688-9
Nickol Station 585, 597
Nicol River, Cowarinda (Cowaranda Pool) 586
Nicol River, Cowarinda 587
No Name Creek 522, 622
North District 578
North West Cape 6, 109-10, 127, 140,157, 188, 201, 206, 211, 232, 245-7, 250, 258, 286, 305, 357, 360, 364-5, 383, 453, 518, 650-1
North West Settlements 685
Northam District 279
Northampton 486
Norton Plains 44
Nullagine 784
Oakover River 46-7, 49-50, 727, 731, 736, 738-9, 745, 747, 749, 756, 759
Padbury Peak 620
Peake Station 692
Pearsons (Hearsons) Cove 585
Peling-peling 433-5
Pemberton Island 61, 136, 585-6
Pennant Hills 537
Perk’s Station 506
Peron’s Peninsula 361-2, 377, 541-2, 544
Perth 4,112, 274, 307-8, 346, 360, 384, 387, 403, 415, 424, 478, 480, 495, 542, 545, 602, 617, 678, 688, 759
Peter Creek 648, 665
Picard Island 100, 132
Pilgrim Ranges 776
Point Harry 115
Port Essington 328
Port George 334
Port Gregory 249
Port Gregory 361, 383, 506
Port Hedland 77, 81, 101-3, 118,149, 155,178, 181-4, 568, 633, 637, 639-41
Port Phillip Heads 531
Port Villaret 630
Port Walcott 552, 566, 568, 573, 574, 596, 602, 615, 624, 629-30, 632-3, 638, 648, 657
Portland River 681
Portland, Victoria 610
PP Well 396
Price Albert Land 214
Prince Regent River 228, 230-1, 255, 258, 274, 277, 326-7
Provincia Aurifera 280
Pt Cloates 357
Pt Coulomb 213, 215
Pt Cunningham 215
Pt Emeriau 316, 336, 337
Pt Gantheaume 264, 338-9
Pt Hall 318, 516
Pt Larrey 53, 94-5105-6, 123-4, 149, 151-5,160-2, 172, 174, 183-4, 410, 420, 424, 454
Pt Poissonier 53, 94, 106, 160-1, 184
Pyramid 577
Pyramid River 175
Pyramid Station 507
Quartz Hill 181
Quartz Rocks 182
Race Course Plains 296, 299, 348, 390-2, 397, 425-30, 446, 459, 476, 484, 489
Racehorse Plains 395
Rawlinson Ranges 747
Reader’s Point 132
Red Hill 577
Red Island 318
Reynolds Range 700
Richardson Creek 679
Richie’s Reef 6
Ridley Marsh 119
Ridley River 119, 566
Ripon Island 53-4, 94, 105-6, 152, 154, 156, 160, 172, 185-6 455
Ritchie’s Reef 127, 88, 306, 357, 419, 453
Robe Hill 649, 658, 690
Robe River 588-9, 594, 624-5, 649, 658, 665-6, 668, 675, 690,
Robert Peak 679
Rock Pool 529
Rock Spring Creek 587
Rocky Pool 374
Rocky Springs 231-2
Roe Island 214
Roebourne 481-2, 484, 508, 510-13, 625, 642, 666-7, 676, 678-9, 681, 690, 753, 756, 760-2, 777-8, 781, 787
Roebuck Bay 40, 75, 82, 206, 240-1, 244, 261, 263-4, 284-5, 292-304, 316, 336, 338-40, 346-7, 349, 352, 354, 356, 383-4, 391, 394, 404-11, 413-5, 418-9, 423-4, 430-1, 436, 445, 447, 451-5, 461, 475, 478-9, 482-4, 489, 494, 507, 510, 531-2, 552, 567-74, 579, 621, 629, 632-3
Roebuck Bay Company 478, 511, 560-1
Roebuck Bay Company’s Stations 450, 510, 569
Roebuck Bay Harbor 484
Roebuck Plains Sheep Station 533
Roger’s Strait 260, 291, 331, 334,
Rosemary Island 63, 109, 127, 158, 165, 201, 245-6, 307, 357, 401, 516
Rottnest Island 62, 82,111, 156, 180, 286, 577,
Rowley Shoals 532
Roy Hill 784
Sambo’s Pass 587, 595, 667, 676
Samson’s Point 128
Sandy Point 336
Sarah Peak 611
Secure Bay 239, 240
Serpentine Creek 520
Seymour Creek 674
Sharks Bay 109-10, 147, 189, 190, 206, 255, 286, 360, 375, 430, 537, 539-40, 543, 546,
Shaw River Shaw River 44, 51, 52, 119
Sherlock Plains 677
Sherlock River 36-8, 40-41, 46, 52, 57-8, 79, 98, 115-7, 122, 127, 148, 154-5, 164, 171-2, 175, 177, 380, 421, 570, 577-8, 580, 631, 638, 640-1, 663, 677, 679, 682
Shoal Bay 205, 238
Sholl Creek 588, 668
Slate Island 319
Sloping Head 7, 64
Snake Creek 400, 401
Snake Rocks 104, 117
Solitary Island 564
South Creek 104
South Hut Flat 378
Spinifex Plains 175
Spit Point 55, 78, 81, 92, 94,100, 102, 105, 115, 140-1, 144-9, 152, 154-5, 160, 162, 172, 174, 176-7, 180
Starvation Plain 99
Steep Point
Steep Point 110, 190
Stevenson River 693
Stevenson’s Station 761
Strelley River 44, 56, 79, 91, 95, 155, 174
Strike Creek 767
Sturt Creek 716
Success Channel 259, 261
Sunday Island 214
Sunday Shoal 236
Sunday Strait 214
Swan Point 316
Swan River 80, 570
Swan River Settlement 511
Sydney 535
Sysbarts Creek 117
Table Mountain 703, 706
Tabletop Ridge 764
Tahmalee (Brown’s Sheep Station) 540, 541-2, 544
Tallering 787
Telfer River 653, 656
The Happy Valley 231, 232
The Plain 562
The Twins 591
Thomas River 616, 627
Thomas’ Creek 769
Tien Tsin Bay 113, 138, 177-8, 423, 516, 531-2, 637
Tien Tsin Harbour 77, 79, 83, 98,100-1, 112,122, 124, 127,128, 131, 135, 138, 140-1, 144, 146-9, 151, 380, 399, 403, 520,531, 548, 550,569, 572, 574, 581, 661, 666
Tipperary 495
Toovey’s Springs 504,535, 634, 636
Tower Hill 535, 635-6
Treacherous Reef 288-9, 320, 330, 336
Tree Island 214
Tryal Rocks 188
Turn Back Bluff 523
Turner River 117, 146, 182, 641
Turtle Bay 1
Turtle Island 78, 100, 102-3, 105, 109, 123, 141, 145-6, 149,152, 159, 160, 162, 164, 179, 183, 185, 187, 309, 324, 419-20, 424, 453
Twin Islands 201, 214
Twofold Bay 537
Upper De Grey River 421
Upper Glenelg River 234, 255, 258
Upper Ludlow 351
Upper Murchison River 63
Upper Sherlock River 677-9, 681, 685
Useless Harbor 542
Valley of Diamonds 276
Vasse 510
Victoria River 209
View Creek 651
Vincent Spring 396-8, 451, 485, 493, 496, 534, 634
Viveash & Co’s Station 577
Vlaming Head 188, 357
Walcott Isle 61, 136
Walnut Tree Camp 87, 89, 95, 98, 104, 114-5, 176-7
Wanerenooka 543
Warburtons Pillar 699
Watering Cove 165
Waterloo Wells 709-11
Wedge Island 698
Wellard’s Homestead 580
Wesley 378
West Fitzroy River 568, 632
Wilberforce Peaks 626
William Range 655, 662
William’s Spring 506
Withnell’s Station 520, 570
Woodman’s Point 69
Woomomallah Penninsula 362-4, 375
Yachono 378
Yagobiddy Creek 600-1
Yam Hill 715
Yanare 595
Yanare Creek West 667
Yanare Hill 587, 595, 667, 676,
Yanarie Water 587
Yangadina 483
York 273, 620
Yule River 42, 54-7, 79, 91, 97,117, 153-5, 175, 181-2, 641
General Index
There being much of interest, but repetitive due to the singular nature of the subject, only the more unusual items are indexed.
Calliance 481, 508
Dolphin 2-5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 38-40, 60-64 66, 68, 76, 83,
Emma xxix, xxx, 483, 508-9, 511-12, 551, 574-5, 579-80, 611, 629, 630, 632, 633, 688, 789, 819-821
Hastings 425, 495, 499, 503
Kestrel 301, 302, 569, 570, 572, 574
Lass of Geraldton 509
Mystery 71-2, 74-7, 82, 92, 115, 121, 123-4, 128, 130-39, 141, 144-51, 155-56, 176, 194, 277, 287, 311-12, 399, 572, 625, 630, 687
Nile 389, 390, 407, 493, 494, 496
Palestine 484
Perseverance 72, 279, 286-87, 297, 299, 304, 312, 326, 349, 396, 406, 481, 507, 510
Scout 1
Sea Spray 361, 511, 689
Tien Tsin 74-78, 99-107, 111-12, 115, 121-26, 128, 130-31, 136, 138, 141-42, 144-151, 165, 168, 177, 180, 183, 185, 191, 311, 399, 515, 516, 518, 571
Two Brothers 511
Wild Wave 511
Whalers 1, 111
There being so much content on this subject that the Volume is as much a history of Aboriginal contact as it is of White exploration, hence only selected aspects are indexed here. Appendix Three contains an extensive overview of the Aboriginal people, ecology, and relevant customs. See pages 841-846.
Accident, gun 10
Ant hills 42
Bird netting Ab 36, 38
Camden Harbour Association 571
Cannibalism 821
Denison Plains Pastoral Company 547, 549, 550, 571, 575-6, 632, 666,
Earthquake 326
Fish netting Ab 81
Flood 14
Fossils 224, 331, 576
Head dress Ab 47
Malays/Chinese 310, 482, 491,
Minerals 63, 254, 272, 276, 289, 292, 301-304, 323, 331, 536
Pearlshell 39, 60, 64, 101, 138
Roebuck Bay Company 560, 569
Smallpox Ab 497, 575, 631, 687
Volcanic action 767