Acknowledgements – Vol3

Acknowledgements – Western Australian Exploration 1836 – 1845

The Honourable G.M. (John) Castrilli MLA, Minister for local government, heritage, citizenship and multicultural interests, for a grant for the publication of this volume.

Mrs Marie-Louise Wordsworth for permission to reproduce Toodyay Greenmount by Edmund Du Cane.

Staff at the J.S. Battye Library of West Australian History.

Staff of the State Records Office of Western Australia.

Staff of the Geographic Names section of Landgate (formerly the Department of Land Information WA).

Eth Bianchi and Angela Teague, for typing.

Dr J.M.R. (Jim) Cameron and Phyllis Barnes for information about the Clifton papers and material concerning Clifton.

George Templeman for information about H.M. Ommanney.

Kevin Bentley and Keith Hancock for proofreading.

Peter Gifford for his expert review.

Kari Milentis for preparing the images and Joe Bryant for drawing the sketch maps.

Mr and Mrs Biddescombe for their cash donation.

Kim Epton for financially assisting the Western Australian Explorers’ Diaries Project.

Howard Willis for providing wise counsel.