The Western Australian Explorations of John Septimus Roe 1829 - 1849
Published 2014.
The long awaited complete collection of Surveyor General Roe’s expeditions from the Western Australian Explorers’ Diaries Project.
Naval officer, hydrographer, explorer, founding Surveyor General, settler and father, John Septimus Roe helped make Western Australia what it is today. Roe was Western Australia’s first Surveyor General, a position he held for 43 years.
Described as the ‘Father of Australian Explorers’, for his developing, fostering and mentoring of such luminaries of Australian Exploration as the Gregorys and the Forrests, Roe completed a number of important expeditions of exploration of his own, all contained in this impressive volume.
His field notes and sketches are typically accurate and objective. They are a record of the area at first contact by European settlers. The landscapes and waters, the aboriginal people and their place names, as well as the plants and animals of south-western Australia, were all noted by Roe.
The Reports are complemented by expert analysis of native plant species, native animal species, and navigation and surveying.
Roe’s four major expeditions were:
1835 Perth to King George Sound;
1836 to Wongan Hills;
1847 to Champion Bay and Hutt River; and
1848-1849 to Russell Ranges.
To provide a complete recording of his explorations in one volume, a number of expeditions, first published in Western Australian Exploration 1826-1835, have been included in this Volume.
ISBN 978-0-85905-527-7
Hardcover, Case Bound, Dust Jacket, Illustrated, Maps, Indexes, 726pp, 1.9kg.
$100.00 plus postage.
Order this Volume from Hesperian Press.