‘Work Completed, Canning’ would not have been possible without the support and assistance of many people, who without hesitation, provided assistance, information and advice. The names of many others who readily assisted have not been deliberately left off this list; the project has been underway for some eight years and my memory has suffered. To them I also say thank you.
Eth Bianchi, my dear wife, for support and encouragement, putting up with my long absences and phone calls, coming along on field trips, typing, research and proofreading. I could not have completed this project without her support.
Marlene Hardman, my daughter, for assistance with typing and proofreading.
Angela Teague, my sister, for typing.
Maria Bloomfield, my sister, for editing and proofreading.
Paul Harris, my grandson, for assistance, patience and support with computer problems, software problems, book layout and formatting issues.
Peter Bridge, OAM, for his unfailing encouragement and confidence to take on this project; for access to his vast collection of CSR documentation and photographs, and for project guidance, editorial advice and direction.
Kim Epton, Series Editor of Western Australian Exploration, for constructive feedback and comprehensive editing of the manuscript that significantly enhanced the finished volume.
Dr Marion Hercock for encouragement, project guidance, support and assistance with stock route history, biographical notes, referencing and editing.
Joe Bryant for assistance with field work planning and preparation and mapping.
Sheryl Milentis for encouragement, research and biographical information. Shirley Barnes for editing and proofreading.
Ambrose Canning for information regarding the CSR, biographical information and for writing a Foreword.
Torquil Canning for information regarding the CSR and biographical information.
David and Margaret Morton for numerous field trips and for documentation, photographs and reports.
Peter Strugnell, retired Shire Clerk of Wiluna provided a wealth of information including documents, reports, letters, photographs, maps and many CSR related contacts.
Dr Ian Abbott, Senior Principal Research Scientist, Department of Environment and Conservation WA for fauna and ecological analysis of various reports from expeditions and surveys of the CSR area. This is the first time such an analysis has been completed.
Associate Professor Alex George, AM, School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology at Murdoch University WA for flora analysis from various expedition and survey reports of the CSR area. This is the first time such an analysis has been completed.
Dr William Peasley for access to his vast collection of CSR related information and photographs, for access to the journals of his various expeditions and for writing a foreword for this Volume.
David Wilcox AM, for his analysis of the fodder needs of cattle, horses and camels and discussion on toxic plants.
Ken Leighton, Chief Geodetic Surveyor Landgate, for CSR Centenary and historical documentation, mapping images and editing various chapters within the Volume.
John Baas for editing and proofreading and statistical analysis of vehicle traffic.
Battye Library, Bayswater Library, Royal Western Australian Historical Society Library, WA Museum Library, Department of Environment and Conservation WA Forest Science Library, and State Records Office staff for ongoing assistance and support.
Alan Zweck for access to many unpublished documents and photographs relevant to William Rudall.
Jeff Murray JP for assistance with access to original field books and journals.
Ian Murray for assistance with origins of place names and CSR historical documents.
Ken Maidment for information on modern day well reconstruction.
Frank DeCinque, Records Services, Department of Industry and Resources for access to records.
Andrew Godden, Records Services Landgate for field book research.
Peter Dunn, Map Curator and Assistant Director Geological Survey WA (retired) for access to maps.
Peter Muir, David Sheddan and John Davis for information on early stock route 4WD travel.
Russell Wenholz and David Chudleigh for their success in the first traverse of the CSR by motor vehicle.
Denise McCaffery, Anne Maree Crawford and Noel Phaure for assistance with research.
Brian Purdue for access to his manuscripts, An index to Policemen in Western Australia and a List of Indictable Crimes in WA.
Drovers and cattlemen Snowy Brosnan, John Bee, David Robson and Len Hill for reminiscences of droving cattle down the CSR.
Members of the Getaway 4Wheel Drive Club WA Inc. for their assistance and patience on various field trips on the CSR to survey wells, taking photographs and searching for various sites and features.
Ted and Judy Harrison for information regarding drover Ted Harrison and CSR droving.
Dr Nan Broad for documentation related to drovers and stock routes.
David Hewitt OAM and Margaret Hewitt OAM provided a wealth of information including documentation, photographs and reports regarding the CSR.
Eastern Goldfields Historical Society for access to the Society’s collection of documents and photographs.
Sue Davenport, Peter Johnson and Yuwali, authors of Cleared Out for assistance with the chapter on the Weapons Research Establishment rocket testing centre line of fire.
Ron Johnstone, Curator Museum WA for assistance with field books on vertebrates and ornithology.
Murray and Serena Rankin for information related to three attempts to walk the CSR.
Mick Olsen and John Poelwyk for assistance with photographs of CSR well restoration.
Ben Blomfield and Des Bunter of Track Care WA for well restoration and early CSR vehicle travel information.
Hans Amesz for information related to his CSR tour expeditions in the 1970s.
Robin Elliott, leader of WAPET geological party in Great Sandy Desert 1955 for photographs and expedition details.
Martin and Sheree Hayes for photographs and access to information related to various CSR traverses and well restoration projects in 1980s and 1990s.
Tony Vincent for access to Claude Heppingstone’s diary.
Morrie Fisher for information and photographs related to 1955 joint BMR/Lands and Surveys expedition.
Eric and Ronele Gard for assistance with biographical information on CSR drovers and other parties, motor vehicle travel, commercial tours and the preservation of the CSR and its environment.
Peter Vernon for biographical, CSR project and motor vehicle travel information.
Mrs Kate Rohan, widow of Peter Rohan for authorisation to use Peter Rohan’s painting of No. 1 well on the CSR, as the cover artwork for this book.
WA Parliament House art collection for a copy of the Peter Rohan’s painting of No. 1 well on the CSR, as the cover artwork for this book.
Stan Gratte OAM for access to his collection of CSR information and his unpublished journals related to various trips in the area of the CSR, from 1966.
John Griggs for information regarding the death of Kevin Weckert.
Barry Allwright and Rod Cramer for information related to Calvert Centenary Project Expedition.